Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The February Blues

I find February to be the right hook of wintertime. It's short, but it packs a punch. All I want to do is sleep, watch Modern Family (who doesn't?), eat, drink some tea…and then sleep some more.  

Since I'm student teaching 4 days a week this semester, I'm not able to work in the Financial Aid office at GSE. I kind of miss working there! I got to spend a few hours a week away from homework, speak to students on the phone, do some filing, and get to know how GSE runs behind the scenes. To make up for the hours of work I'm not able to do this semester, I need to work some weekend events this Spring. I'm working for 4 hours on Friday and 9 hours on Saturday. I'm a person who values their weekend time, so I'm more than a little bummed out about this arrangement. However, I accepted this graduate assistantship knowing that there would be some sacrifices involved, and I know that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks in this situation. I don't have to do those hours every week. Just a few! I will survive.

Complaints like these make me feel like I've gone soft since I stopped working for City Year. When I was working for City Year, I was getting around 5-6 hours of sleep a night, commuting on SEPTA for 2 hours a day, and working 50 hours a week. Of course the biggest difference between City Year life and grad school life is the homework. I had virtually nothing to do at home when I was in City Year. Regardless, I think that I felt more stressed while I was doing City Year than I do now. I'm trying to remember what I did during the last two winters to get through the February Blues, but I'm drawing a blank. Here are two funny things, so that I can at least end this post on a high note:

Courtesy of the Internet:

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About Me

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Hello! I am a current student in Penn GSE's Teacher Education Program (Elementary Strand). I'm writing this blog as part of a Graduate Assistantship with Penn GSE's Financial Aid and Admissions Office.