Thursday, February 19, 2015

Happy 100th Day of School!

You heard it right, today was the 100th Day of School, at least for my current school. I'm not sure is the SDP is on a different day, but I am 100% sure about this (get it?). We celebrated with 100 themed math activities such as:

  • Coming up with a 100 ways to get to 100 
  • Making a design out of 100 pattern blocks
  • Building a card house out of 100 cards
  • Racing to 100, which is a game you use with a die. Work with a partner and take turns rolling and adding the numbers up. Whoever rolls to 100 first wins!
  • Making a tower out of 100 things
  • Making a list of 10 things you can do for 100 seconds (and proving it by actually doing it!)
It was a really fun day. Here are two pictures of the aftermath.


The group on the left (blue poster) was the only group to truly come up with 100 ways to get to 100! It was a pretty challenging task for these kids. The groups that persevered were the ones who realized that they could make a pattern of 1+99, 2+98, 3+97, etc, etc...

I can't tell if there are 100 pattern blocks on that table, or if the students just didn't want to clean up…hmmm.

In other news, my reign as Person of the Week is over. It was actually a relief to bring my things home. It was really strange having some of my belongings, as well as pictures of myself, on display in the room. My worlds collided! Here's what my display looked like:

The picture in middle on the bottom is actually a picture of me from when I was in 2nd grade. My kids really got a kick out of that. 

I'm pretty exhausted today despite the fact that this was a 2-day long school week for me. Presidents Day on Monday in addition to our second Snow Day on Tuesday meant that I only got to student teach yesterday and today. I start student teaching five days a week in March. I can't wait, though I know the first week will feel very long! I haven't student taught full time since college and I remember how tired I used to feel. But now that I think of it, that's sort of what grad school has felt like the whole time, so maybe I'll be okay! 

Happy Almost-Friday and Happy 100th Day of School!

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Hello! I am a current student in Penn GSE's Teacher Education Program (Elementary Strand). I'm writing this blog as part of a Graduate Assistantship with Penn GSE's Financial Aid and Admissions Office.