Saturday, March 28, 2015

Catching Up

Happy Saturday! I'm sorry so much time has passed since my last post. My kids went on Spring Break last week, which meant that the week leading up to the break was jam packed. Since then, I've been trying to simultaneously relax and put the finishing touches on my thematic unit, which I start teaching on Tuesday! My unit, which is about play and the role it plays in kids' lives, is pretty much ready to go. 

I haven't written my final two lesson plans, and that's for a couple different reasons. I want to leave some space for "emergent curriculum." Usually emergent curriculum means that the teacher doesn't necessarily start off with a lesson plan, rather they listen and observe to see what students are interested in and then plan around that. I'm not experienced enough to craft my whole unit around an emergent idea, but I figured leaving some space at the end of my unit (which isn't until the second week of April) would be reasonable. Also, I haven't written my final two lesson plans because I'm really curious to see how the lessons I have written actually pan out. It is going to be a really challenging couple of weeks, but it's a challenge I'm looking forward to. I can't believe I wrote a unit and now I get to teach it! I feel like I wrote a play that's about to be performed. I'll be updating this blog with my progress (I promise!).

On a completely unrelated note, I just saw "The Theory of Everything" and thought it was really good! If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it. The score for the movie is beautiful and I think they do a really good job of tying it into the story. 

I'll leave you with this:

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About Me

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Hello! I am a current student in Penn GSE's Teacher Education Program (Elementary Strand). I'm writing this blog as part of a Graduate Assistantship with Penn GSE's Financial Aid and Admissions Office.